Kulturelles Eigentumsgesetz, Cultural Property Law ("Official Gazette of the KS”, no. 71/94 52/11-state law and 99/11-state law);
Gesetz über alte, seltene Bibliotheksobjekte, Law on Old and Rare Library Materials (“Official Gazette ofthe RS”, no. 52/11);
Bibliotheks- und Informationsservice-Gesetz, Law on the Library and Information Service (“Official Gazette ofthe RS”, no. 52/11);
Gesetz zur Errichtung der autonomen Provinz Vojvodina - Law on Establishing the Competences of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (“Official Gazette ofthe RS”, no. 99/09, 67/12 - CC);
Entscheidung über die Beschränkung der Güter, die spezielle Dokumente zur Einfuhr, Ausfuhr und zum Transit erfordern- Decision on Determining Goods Subject to Issuance of Specific Documents on Importation, Exportation, and Transit (“Official Gazette of RS", no. 32/15 and 109/15);
Zollgesetz, Customs Law ("Official Gazette of the RS", no. 18/10, 111/12 and 29/15);
Regelung zum zollpflichtigen Güterhandel, Regulation on Customs-Approved Treatment of Goods (“Official Gazette of the RS", no. 93/10, 63/13, 145/14 H 95/15)
Außenhandelsgesetz, Foreign Trade Law (’’Official Gazette of the RS”, no. 36/09, 36/11 - state law, 88/11, 89/15 - state law);
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